Video Conferencing courses are fully online and have specific meeting days and times (synchronous). These classes meet using interactive video, including desktop conferencing, on the days and times listed in MyInfo. 

MSU supports WebEx and Microsoft Teams for Video Conferencing delivery.

Learn more about Video Conferencing (synchronous) delivery:

Tips and Strategies

  • Schedule live Video Conferencing sessions during the days and times listed in MyInfo for the course.
  • Record the session and post a link for students who can’t attend.
  • Run a test session to make sure that WebEx or Microsoft Teams runs properly on your computer and to become familiar with its tools and features.
  • Connectivity problems can happen. If students are experiencing difficulties, let them know it's okay and they should rejoin as they are able.
  • Use a microphone or headset. The audio quality using these tools is typically better than than your computer’s built-in options.
  • Control background noise. Ask your students to stay muted unless they are going to speak. Encourage use of earbuds or headphones and refrain from typing unless they are muted. Instructors also have the ability to mute all participants. NOTE: If Video Conferencing is being used due to emergency circumstances, students may not always be able to find quiet space and control interruptions by roommates, spouses, children and pets.
  • Consider using WebEx’s Chat feature or keeping the video feed off. This frees Internet bandwidth, allowing students to listen without worrying about their appearance.
  • For synchronous online sessions, be aware that you’re often being invited into a student’s home. Please practice respect and understanding.

Microsoft Teams in the Classroom

Accommodating Students

Consider that some students are used to face-to-face courses and may struggle with a synchronous Video Conferencing course. Even students with laptops may find it challenging to find a quiet place on campus, access the internet and fully participate in class virtually.

If you are teaching remotely and plan to deliver all or part of your course using synchronous Video Conferencing, please also record those meetings using Panopto so that students may access content asynchronously in case they cannot participate in real-time.

See Supporting Students on the Center for Faculty Excellence website for tips and techniques, best practices, and ways to support students.


For either WebEx or Microsoft Teams, email