Gradescope Assignment Types

See an overview of the different assignment types in Gradescope, as well as a step-by-step guide for setting each of them up and grading submissions.

This page is a great place to start for instructors who are new to Gradescope.

Overview of Assignment Types

Get Started with Gradescope

This series of tutorial videos provides an overview on how instructors can manage courses, create assignments, upload scans and bubble sheets, and conduct grading with Gradescope.

Get Started with Gradescope

Create a Course in Gradescope

  1. Log into Gradescope through the institution portal with your NetID and password.
  2. Click the + Create a new course tile.
  3. Fill out the fields with the correct information.
    NOTE: Do not check the box next to "Allow students to enroll via course entry code".
    Students who are enrolled in your D2L/Brightspace course will automatically have access to your course. If students do not see your course listed in their Gradescope accounts, please have them reach out to
  4. Click Create Course.

Integrate your Gradescope Course with D2L/Brightspace

The D2L/Brightspace integration tutorial pagecovers: 

Gradescope 101 Workshop Recording