Digital Literacy Study
During the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 grant years, the Digital Literacy Integration Team ran a study to explore how students' perceptions of their digital literacy skills changed due to the inclusion of a digital media project within their classes.
Study Design
The Digital Literacy Integration Team adapted Ng's (2012) article "Can We Teach Digital Natives Digital Literacy?" for the digital literacy study. Instructors of grant courses administered the survey at the start of the semester to gather initial data on students' perceptions and then again at the end of the semester to track changes. Data is in the process of being paired and analyzed.
The DigLit Team compiled the 2023-2024 data and performed some preliminary analysis. The research poster, accessible through the button below, details the courses that participated and some findings from this first round of data.
Student Testimony
During the second survey round, the DigLit Team asked students to share any comments on their experience. Below is a sample of their thoughts and feelings after creating a digital media project in their class. Quotes have been edited for clarity.
Auditon + Podcasting
"It has been very interesting to learn Audition in this class and was very easy to learn, which was nice to know that a lot of programs are not necessarily that complicated."
"Throughout the experience of the podcast production, my digital literacy skills, dare I say, have improved. I have never been involved in the production of a podcast episode or anything as technologically dependent as such. However, I seemed to get the hang of using digital tools in order to create my portion of the podcast and am proud of what I accomplished."
"Creating a podcast definitely improved my digital literacy skills. This podcast production and working with a partner completely remote presented quite a few challenges but ultimately improved my digital literacy. Due to this situation, I learned to be an effective online communicator and learned the importance of uploeading digital work in an accessible manner."
"I was the editor in the group which motivated me to learn how to use Adobe Audition. there are so many features available it's hard to know where to start. My proudest moment of the semester was when I was able to figure out how to edit and modify sound clips."
"It was fun learning and practicing a new way to promote writing! I enjoyed using Adobe as it was a nice break from regular writing."
"Adobe is an awesome toolkit that is available for us students. Similar to Google Docs, being able to collaborate on a project is simple and effective."
Adobe Express
"I feel that I have become more digitally literate than I was before I took this class. It was a bit uncomfortable for me in the beginning, especially when I started using Express, but I found that I got better at it with every assignment and I started to enjoy using the tool. I find the ePortfolio to be a great way to introduce yourself to future employers. I plan to continue using Express even after I graduate."
"Adobe Express was a great tool to use this semester because it allows for more creativity and professionalism than slide decks. The software is also very easy to use and figure out."
"I liked learning how to use Adobe Express, and it has helped me with my internship and on-campus jobs as well."
"Learning how to use Adobe Express was fairly easy. It was similar to Canva, but with Adobe you don't have to pay to download your work, and you're allowed to expand your imagination."