Sorry, we are currently not offering this camp.


In partnership with MSU Departments of Education, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, and the Montana Engineering Education Research Center (MEERC), we will be offering two, FREE 2-day summer camps.

The introduction to Minecraft camp will focus on an introduction to the Minecraft gaming platform and how it can be used to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts.

Minecraft is an exciting, engaging, and flexible tool that engages students’ spatial skills, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.  Each day, students will be led through a series of workshops where they craft their own world by completing a series of design challenges. Applicants need to know that this is a camp designed for Minecraft beginners.


Hosted by MSU Departments of Education, Electrical/Computer Engineering, Physics, and the Montana Engineering Education Research Center (MEERC), and funded by the National Science Foundation.

For More Information

Please contact or 406-994-6550.