Login to Canvas

Login to Canvas.

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Navigate to Your Course

Click on your new course from your Canvas Dashboard.

Canvas Dashboard with Course Card outlined in red.

Copy Your Old Course

1. In the upper right corner, click Import Existing Content.

Top right corner of Canvas homepage showing 'Import Existing Content' outlined in red at the top of the far-right course menu options


2. Select Copy a Canvas Course from the Content Type dropdown menu.

Import content window with dropdown menu options for ”content type” on display


3. Select your course from the dropdown menu or search for it by name.

Import Content window with dropdown menu options for ”search for a course” portion on display


4. Choose All Content to copy the entire course or Select specific content to copy only parts of the course.

Import Content window with ”content” portion outlined in red


5. If you want to shift dates automatically from the original course to fit the new course’s schedule, check Adjust events and due dates and set the date adjustments as needed.

Note: You can also leave this unchecked and adjust dates manually as you build your course. 

import window with ”options” portion outlined in red


6. Click Import.

Import content window with import button outlined in red

Note: The course copy process will begin, and you can monitor its progress in the "Current Jobs" section. Once complete, a notification will indicate the process is done.

Review your Content

1. Once the import is complete, review the associated issues by clicking on the numbered Issues link next to the completed box. This provides you with a log of issues to address.

Import content window with current jobs listed and the number of course issues outlined in red

2. Review the new course to ensure all content has been copied correctly and make any necessary adjustments.

Validate Your Links 

Utilize Instructure's How do I validate links in a course? tutorialto check thatallyour course links (both internal and external) are functioning properly.  


1. Review the assignments and modules that you would like students to see. Toggle over the publish icon to the right of each item. A green checkmark indicates it is published, and a white circle with a slash means it is unpublished.

List of modules in course with publish options on display


2. Navigate back to your Homepage by clicking home from your course navigation menu.

3. Select Publish under “course status” on the right side of your homepage when you are ready to make your course public.

Note: Publishing your course does not change the publication status you have selected for specific items within your course such as assignments or modules.  

Course homepage with publish button in top right-hand corner outlined in red