Peaks & Potentials summer enrichment camp allows high-potential students to explore special topics of interest and work with experts in various subject areas. Academic, recreational and social activities allow students to interact with their peers and sample campus life. Students may stay on campus or commute each day.

Sponsorships will be used to provide need-based scholarships for students. We want to ensure that all interested students have the opportunity to attend Peaks & Potentials Camp, regardless of their ability to pay. Your support is greatly appreciated.

 denotes required fields.

Sponsorship amount:
Sponsorship from:
Exactly as you would like it to appear on all promotional materials.
Payment method:

Mail forms to:

Mindy DeCosse, Business Operations Manager
Academic Technology & Outreach
Montana State University
PO Box 173860, Bozeman, MT 59717-3860
Send by email to:

Questions? Contact Justin Gibson at (406) 994-6633 or

To learn more about Peaks & Potentials Camp, please visit:

If you want to include your logo on our conference materials, please send a JPEG to

Please note: Sponsorship of MSU Peaks & Potentials Camp is not tax deductible.

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