As we begin the migration of your course(s) into Canvas, it is advisable to conduct a thorough review of your course(s) within Brightspace/D2L before exporting. This proactive approach can streamline the transition process and minimize the time required for reviewing and updating your course content in Canvas.

  - Delete any that you no longer need for future courses.

  - Retain only the most recent version of your course material and remove duplicates or out-of-date versions.

  - Clear out any group categories that are no longer relevant.

  - Make sure modules are well-organized and named appropriately.

  - Verify that all instructions, images, or links are up to date and accurate.
    • Note: Internal links (links pointing to D2L/Brightspace content) will break and need to be linked to the new Canvas version of that content once migrated.
    • Note: Due dates do not import properly and will need attention.

View the chart below to be aware of the elements that will migrate well and those that will not. (ex. Checklists do not migrate. Their content will be lost and will need to be recreated in a Canvas-friendly format.)

Migrates Seamlessly Migrates with editing Will not migrate. Requires rebuilding.
Announcements Images Checklists
Files Rubrics Internal course links
Modules Surveys  
Web Links Quizzes  
Assignments Dates  
Discussions Integration Links (ex. Panopto Video)