Import and Update Your MSU-Branded Full Course Template
This tutorial will guide you through the steps of utilizing the MSU-Branded Full Course Template you imported from Canvas Commons.
Import Content
1. After reviewing the resource and deciding to import it into your course, click Import/Download to start moving the content into your course, or Back to Search to explore other resources.
Note: When you click Import/Download, a menu will appear on the side with options for import or download.
2. Select the course you would like to import the content into and click Import into Course.
3. You will receive a message confirming that your import has successfully started.
To view the import, navigate back to your course by clicking on Dashboard in your Global Navigation.
Navigate to your Course
Once in your Canvas dashboard, select the desired course by clicking on the appropriate course card.
- Click Edit in the upper right corner to update your course Homepage.
- Update your Course Name/Number and the introductory message under the welcome section. Click Save when you’re done.
Course Information
- From the Homepage, select the Course Information button. You will be redirected to a premade module titled “Course Information.”
- Click on a title to access the page. (ex. About This Course)
- Click Edit to fill in the page information according to the placeholders and prompts. Then click Save at the bottom of the page.
- To return to the Course Information module to edit the other pages, select Modules from the course navigation menu on the left.
- Repeat steps 6-7 for the syllabus, instructor information, Q&A, and course resources pages. If there is a section that you choose not to use, you may click on the green checked circle on the right side of the box to “unpublish” that item.
- Return to the Homepage by clicking Home from the course navigation menu on the left.
If you do not wish to use any of the pre-built template pages, please add your own to the "Course Information" module so that it directs students to the correct place from the homepage button.
Help Resources
- From the Homepage, select the Help Resources button.
- You will be redirected to a pre-made module titled “Need Help?”
- Update each of the items [1-2] under this module by clicking on the name of each item to access the page.
- Click Edit to adjust the information to fit your class. Then, click Save at the bottom of the page.
- Repeat the steps for the page Canvas Resources for Students. If there is a section that you choose not to use, y ou may click on the green checked circle on the right side of the box to "unpublish" that item.
Note: If you do not wish to use any pre-built template pages, please add your own page or information into the "Need Help" module so it directs students to the correct place from the homepage button.
- Next, navigate to your announcements by clicking Announcements from the course navigation menu.
- Then, click the +Announcement button on the right side of the window.
- In the announcement editing window, add a title [1], edit/add your content [2], choose the sections to post to [3], click choose file if you would like to add an attachment [4], and review the options [5] for your post.
- Click Save at the bottom right when you're done.
Next, navigate to your Modules by clicking Modules from the course navigation menu. It will take you to all your Modules. You will see all the template's pre-made modules, including a sample module.
Copy Module
- Locate the sample module.
- Click on the three dots on the right of the module title, scroll down, and select "Duplicate."
- Repeat as many times as needed until you have created the desired number of modules. Click close when done.
Add Content
- Rename your modules to fit the structure of your course by clicking the three dots on the right of the Modules title bar and selecting Edit.
- Delete the provided title and type in your own. Once finished, click Update Module.
- Identify content that will not be necessary in each module and delete the content item(s) by clicking on the three dots to the right of the activity and selecting Remove.
- To create additional template content, please choose the specific item (ex., Assignment),
click on the three dots on the right, and select Duplicate. This will make a copy of the item right below your original.
- Review the Canvas tutorial on how to add non-template items.
Edit Content
- Edit each item individually by clicking on the name. This will load the detail or settings page of the item.
- Then select Edit in the top right corner. This will take you to the edit window.
- Make your adjustments in the edit window and click Save when done to keep your changes.
Reorder and Organize Content
- Reorder and organize your content items by clicking and dragging the eight dots on the left of the item to the desired spot.
- Return to the homepage by clicking Home from the course navigation menu on the left.
Note: You can move items within modules or to new modules.
Student View
You can click on Student View in the top right of the page to see how your course looks. View this tutorial on how to use Student View.